Maria Pilar Peralta Cubero

It solo voice group

Born in Zaragoza, degree in Philosophy and Letters, sus began piano studies at them 8 years. He subsequently had sus studies in how he Conservatory of Music in Zaragoza obteniendo him the title of "Teacher of The Superior" , after studying with Hope Melguizo, Eliberto Sanchez, Josefina and Maria Elena Montiel Vallejo.

He has taken several courses with Robert Expert (Early Music specialist), Ana Maria Sanchez, Peter Lavirgen, Manuel Cid, Suso Mariátegui, Carlos Chausson, Francesca and Cristina Roig Miatello (specialist Music and Baroque).

Has been a member of the Schola Cantorum of the University of Zaragoza, Cesaraugusta chamber choir (Aragon specializes in Early Music) Lyric Theatre and Zaragoza, in which he played solo roles in "Water, sugar and brandy ", "Giants", "The Song of Forgetfulness" and "Zarzuela Anthology", with performances at the Mozart Hall Auditorium and various municipalities Aragon Zaragoza.

With the group "On Voice" has interpreted Annina in "La Traviata" (Verdi) and Giannetta in "L'elisir d'amor" (Donizetti). With the "New Theater of Aragon", "The Coffee Cantata" (J.S.Bach), over 40 representations, and "The Barber of Seville" (Rossini) in the title role of "Rosina" with the "Camerata Lyric Spain", in various regions.

She has taught at the University of Zaragoza, in the department of "Musical Expression, Plastic and Corpora l "of the Faculty of Education, Music teacher and secondary education in several schools in Zaragoza.

Is currently the director of the Choir of "San Antonio de Padua" Zaragoza, singing teacher and choral ensemble in the C.A.M. Actur and vocal technique in several choirs of Zaragoza, and Director of Choral workshop at the Social Centre Ibercaja "Las Fuentes".

It is the lead singer of Sephardic music group "Cantigas de Sefarad".